Free Organic Lawn Care Program will Promote Beautiful Lawns and Clean Streams ~ Feb. 11 at 9 AM1/13/2017
Spring is on its way! Springtime means a lot of yard work. Do you want to keep your lawn looking great but make healthy choices for your family, pets and the environment?
Join us on Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 9 - 11:30 AM at the Fern Hollow Nature Center for a free program to help you do just that! Ian Miller, a professional in the organic lawn care industry, will be on hand to teach us what we can do as a homeowners to maintain a healthy, organic lawn this growing season. Topics covered will be compost top dressing, organic fertilization, weed control, proper mowing techniques and more! This program is sponsored by the Quaker Valley Council of Governments Clean Water Initiative and in partnership with Fern Hollow Nature Center. It is free to residents of QVCOG communities but space is limited. Registration is required. Organic Lawn Care Program Flyer |