click here to download QVCOG Bylaws
On April 18, 2018 an amendment was made to the QVCOG Bylaws and the Bylaws became effective on May 19, 2018. Prior, the Proposed Bylaws changes were reviewed at a Special Meeting on January 31, 2018 and were introduced at the February 21, 2018 QVCOG Board of Directors meeting. A public comment period between February 21, 2018 and March 30, 2018 netted one comment and no modification to the proposed amendment. During the required 30 period for objection, a provision of the then existing Bylaws, one municipality filed an objection. The Bylaws became effective May 19, 2018 having received objection from less than 1/3 of the members.
In October 2016, Quaker Valley Council of Governments Board of Directors approved a motion convening an Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee to address needs for greater clarity, accountability and roles and responsibilities. A year-long review was performed prior to a January 31, 2018 presentation to the members. Many thanks to the Board of Directors, Managers & Secretaries Committee, and The Ad-Hoc Bylaws Review Committee:
Matthew Doebler, Commissioner, Aleppo Township
Thomas Lloyd, Jr. , Councilmember, Avalon Borough
William Monski, Councilmember, Glen Osborne Borough
Jean-Sebastien Valois, Supervisor, Kilbuck Township
A complete copy of the Bylaws can be found here.
In October 2016, Quaker Valley Council of Governments Board of Directors approved a motion convening an Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee to address needs for greater clarity, accountability and roles and responsibilities. A year-long review was performed prior to a January 31, 2018 presentation to the members. Many thanks to the Board of Directors, Managers & Secretaries Committee, and The Ad-Hoc Bylaws Review Committee:
Matthew Doebler, Commissioner, Aleppo Township
Thomas Lloyd, Jr. , Councilmember, Avalon Borough
William Monski, Councilmember, Glen Osborne Borough
Jean-Sebastien Valois, Supervisor, Kilbuck Township
A complete copy of the Bylaws can be found here.