In the recent past the Cohen Law Group has represented and worked on behalf of many QVCOG member communities when their franchise fee agreements were near expiration. A major advantage provided by this cooperative is reduced rates charged by the aforementioned firm. The current proposal as outlined in the attachment below commits a 20% discount if 7 or more QVCOG members "sign on". The fees and various discounted rates can be found on pages 11-12 of the proposal.
The proposal also includes a franchise fee audit to determine whether Comcast has paid each of the municipalities all the franchise fee revenue to which they may be entitled. Per the Cohen Law Group, between 2021-23, their firm conducted over 120 franchise fee audits (most of them of Comcast) and found underpayments approximately 65% of the time. Should an underpayment be identified during an audit, the franchise renewal is the best time to collect such underpayments (plus penalties and interest). Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposal, etc. please contact Mr. Daniel Cohen via email [email protected] or by phone at (412) 447-0130, ext. 110. In order to receive a discounted rate, a deadline of February 29, 2024 has been established to participate in the cooperative. Franchise Fee Proposal Sample Agreement |