On March 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. bids for SHACOG 2023 Spring Commodities were opened. The bid tabulation is available here. Bids for the following products were solicited:
The SHACOG Purchasing Alliance website allows member municipalities of participating COG's to record and view their estimated commodity requirements. Interested parties may access the Purchasing Alliance page here. By using this site, the municipalities have instant access to previous years' survey estimates and the ability to enter data for the new year as well as view all posted bid tabulations. Please remember that municipalities must formally accept the bids to secure the prices offered by the vendors. The joint purchasing format employed to secure these bids does not result in a master contract. Therefore, formal notice of bid acceptance must be issued to the vendors by your community in order to secure the quoted prices. This should be done by May 25, 2023. Please be reminded that absent notice by this date the vendors are not obligated to honor these prices. Participants are encouraged not to delay the issuance of these notices. Please send copies of these letters to the SHACOG office (2600 Old Greentree Road, Carnegie, PA 15106). For any questions please contact the SHACOG office by phone at 412-429-1130. |